
To put it in a simple way, the plugin provides command wrappers that can only be used by authenticated users, through aliases, in private messages .

The JMX plugin adds JMX support to bot. It registers JMX MBeans that are accessible to the bot using aliases. All MBeans exposed to JerkBot can be managed using JConsole.


The JMX plugin provides the jmx command.

Read an attribute value

The following command reads the PollingInterval value of the feeds object :

jmx feeds.PollingInterval

With the default settings the bot will answer


Change an object property

The following command changes the PollingInterval attribute of the feeds object :

jmx feeds.PollingInterval=800

The bot will answer

Operation Successfull!

See the methods of a managed object

To list all the methods available on the feeds object, do :

jmx methods feeds

The bot will answer



Call a method of a managed object

jmx feeds.start()

The bot will answer

Operation Successfull!