
This plugin helps the bot learns stuff. It also makes available the following commands:

  • teach : Teaches the bot something
  • forget : Makes the bot forget an existing factoid
  • literal : Provides some metadata about an existing factoid
  • info : Gives the definition of a known factoid
[23:40] <ioexception> ~teach java = Java is a programming language
[23:40] <jerkbot> The factoid 'java' was added successfully!

[23:40] <ioexception> ~info java
[23:40] <jerkbot> Java is a programming language

[23:41] <ioexception> ~literal java
[23:41] <jerkbot> Author: 'ioexception', Date: '2009-08-28', Message: 'Java is a programming language'

[23:43] <ioexception> forget java
[23:43] <jerkbot> The factoid 'java' was deleted successfully!